Private Training Application 
Hey there! Julie here. 

Please fill out the form below to join me for The Visibility Trifecta Private Training on Tuesday, May 7th at 12 pm CT. 

I'll be reviewing every single application to ensure that the room is full of high level creators, business owners and service providers ready to build authority, set a solid revenue strategy, and build a business without sacrificing their life.

If/when your application is approved, you'll receive an email from my team with the details to join our call.
Please take a few minutes to thoughtfully fill out this form and we'll be in touch soon with next steps. 


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Full name *
Email *
Please use the same email you use to receive my email newsletter and other correspondence.
IG Handle *
Website *
Phone Number *
Where did you hear about this training?  *
How do you describe your current business? *
Do you currently sell your own products and services, or someone else's? (Please explain.) *
What was your total revenue in 2023? *
What is your total revenue for 2024 so far? *
What is your revenue goal for 2024? *
Which of the following revenue streams are you interested in growing? *
Combinations are welcome! Tell us what you see! 
Why do I stand out to you as the person to learn and receive support from? *
When it comes to growing your brand, it takes a combination of growing your authority (brand growth, visibility, becoming the go to expert in your space) and strategy (offer refinement, funnel design, sales strategy etc). 

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate yourself on the Authority side of things?

1: No one knows me or my expertise 

10: I am a well known, trusted, household name in my niche

Please share the number and any additional context that would be helpful for us to understand.
When it comes to growing your brand, it takes a combination of growing your authority (brand growth, visibility, becoming the go to expert in your space) and strategy (offer refinement, funnel design, sales strategy etc). 

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate yourself on the Strategy side of things?

1: I am not clear on what I'm doing or how i'm doing it 

10: I have a solid growth strategy in place, a plan to execute it with the support of my team, and I'm collecting all the data to inform strategy evolution 

Please share the number and any additional context that would be helpful for us to understand.
How have you been supported in business before? What did you like and not like about these experiences? *
I'd love to know if you've taken courses or worked with a coach and if so what did you LOVE? On the other hand, what aspects of your work together would you leave behind? 
What is your #1 major business goal for 2024?  Please be specific. *
How do you want your life to feel as you move toward your big goal? What's important to you outside of work? *
I have clear business AND life goals. While I work smart to achieve my business goals- I design the "how" of making it happen to ensure I can also show up for my family and myself personally. I want to know what, outside of business, is important to you? What non-negotiables are you designing your business growth around?
What do you feel is holding you back right now? *
When it comes to investing in your business, are you... *
By filling out this form, you are consenting to be added to my email list to ensure we can communicate with you about the training. Is this ok with you? *
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